Yankees Annual Call for Submissions
Deadline for pitches: August 15th
For the fifth year in a row, I will be editing the Maple Street Press YANKEES ANNUAL. This a pre-season magazine, released at the end of February. Roughly half the content of the magazine is focused on the major league team, while the other half is split between the minor league system/prospects and historical articles. Contributors run the gamut from national baseball writers and beat writers to bloggers and freelance historians.
I am accepting pitches for articles to include in the 2011 Annual until August 15th, 2010.
Most assignments will be made by September 1st and most pieces of historical interest and those not relying on 2010 final results are due on October 1st. Pieces relying on regular season data but not postseason are due by November 15th, and pieces involving the postseason (if any) are due by December 1st at the latest. The basic pay rate for articles goes from $150 and up depending on length (minimum 2000 words).
Your pitch should include:
-strong statement of the article or research’s intent and main subject
-outline of the expected article’s content or expected research results & methods
-reasons why you’re the best writer to tackle the subject
-a writing sample (unless we’ve already worked together)
-your writer “bio” of 200 words or fewer including qualifications, previous publications, etc
-any ideas you have for helping spread the word about the Annual
Articles should be in magazine feature style (a la Sports Illustrated), not newspaper and not “blog” style.
Among the topics we are looking for:
-articles that analyze organizational strategy, both successes and failures
-in-depth player profiles and prospect profiles
-interviews with players, coaches, and significant personages
-historical pieces, especially with some tie to recent events or the year
-sabermetric analyses of players, lineups, defense, especially those that reveal information not previously explored
-well-crafted literary essays
We strive in the Annual to present articles that the casual fan will find fascinating and that the well-informed or rabid fan will find irresistible. Please note that this is a publications aimed at YANKEES partisans. Articles trashing the team are not likely to be accepted. (Don’t laugh, I’ve had writers TRY to sell me pieces about how horrible the Yankees are… and then be shocked when told that this was not the market for that kind of piece.)
I will be at the SABR convention in Atlanta if anyone wants to discuss ideas with me there, but make sure you follow up any verbal pitch, especially if made in the bar or at the ballgame, with an email, or I may not remember!
All pitches, submissions, and correspondence should go to the Gmail address: yankees.annual@gmail.com. Messages sent to my other address(es) are likely to be lost and never read. I will reply to ALL submissions, so if you don’t hear, call me to find out if your email went into the aether. My phone number is 617-290-9043.
Cecilia Tan
Maple Street Press Yankees Annual
P.S. I am not involved in the editing of the other Maple Street annuals. The only thing I do is the Yankees, so if you have something to pitch to one of the others, you’ll have to track down whoever edits that one. Different editors have different needs, and possibly different budgets, as well.
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