Category: SABR

  • SABR 43 Research Presentations

    After only making it to one research presentation yesterday, I hit three in a row today. I was too fatigued upon waking this morning to make it to the Media Panel. Having made myself rather ill last year by pushing too hard and doing too much (at all conventions, not just SABR’s), I made the…

  • SABR 43 Lunch Keynote with Larry Bowa

    I couldn’t come up with a good way to transcribe the luncheon keynote and still eat lunch and have room for my computer, so instead I tweeted just some of the choice comments from Larry Bowa and his interviewer Barry Bloom from my phone! Here’s the text of those: @whyilikebb So we have a pinch…

  • SABR 42 Panels, Morning of Friday August 2

    Two panels this morning: * Scouts & Front Office Panel * Imagining Baseball Panel Whew! Made it to the SABR Scouts panel! I was 5 minutes late thanks to loooong Starbucks line, but the panel were 5 minutes late starting. Perfect timing. (And the team at Starbucks was really crack, four on the register, including…

  • SABR 43 Thursday August 1 2013

    Hello, my baseball-loving friends. I’m at the annual SABR national convention, where the presentations, research, connections, and interests run both wide and deep. Unlike in some past years, where I’ve literally taken in 5-6 research presentations AND liveblogged the keynotes and panel discussions, this time I’m having to slow down a little. I was so…

  • SABR42 Day Three

    The last three research presentation slots were on Saturday, along with the player panel, the reprise of the Case Competition winners from the Analytics Conference, and a bunch of committee meetings, as well as the Trivia Contest finals. (By all accounts the Trivia Finals were a blast–I followed them on Twitter from my room.) Between…

  • SABR42: Day Two afternoon presentations

    I saw five research presentations yesterday, one before lunch and four after, before it was time to walk over to the ballpark. On the slate: Steve Steinberg: on the crazy end to the 1908 season for the Giants Alan Nathan: what have we learned about bats (aluminum/wood) in 10 years Mark Armour: on the history…

  • SABR42 Day Two: John Thorn’s keynote speech

    I overdid it yesterday. As I was posting my blog entries last night, my nose started to run and my throat started to hurt. Blame the freezing cold AC in the ballrooms. Blame Neal Traven: he came up to me in the bar last night and said “I have a cold.” More likely, the blame…

  • SABR42 Day One: Afternoon Presentations & Knuckleball movie

    SABR42 Day One: Afternoon I saw three research presentations (out of four possible) this afternoon, and then went to meet up with my fellow panelists for the Women in Baseball panel, which I had the honor of speaking on. I can’t really blog that one since I was on it and couldn’t take notes! So…

  • SABR 42: Day 1 Morning Research Presentations

    SABR42 Research Presentations: Day One, morning Saw four sessions this morning: -Herm Krabbenhoft on correcting the AL RBI records -Steven Glassman on how the Hall of Fame selection process has changed -Tom Harney on how the development of baseball since 1895 in Taiwan related to their national pride and politics -Rob Fitts on the 1934…

  • SABR42 Official Scorer’s Panel

    (I was getting some hot tea since this one is back in the freezing cold ballroom. So I missed the first few sentences of introduction and Stew’s intro. This panel has David Vincent, Stew Thornley, and Gregg Wong, all of whom do scoring for MLB teams.) Stew Thornley: This year they (MLB) got all the…