Month: November 2000

  • November 14 2000 : Book Review of Women At Play, by Barbara Gregorich

    Did you know that since the beginning of any kind of organized baseball in America, there has been organized women’s baseball? That is, until the 1952, when minor league teams were outright banned from drafting female players–a ban that has never been rescinded. In 1974 girls were allowed into Little League, but since the fifties,…

  • November 12 2000 : Care Package

    My mom is the absolute greatest, you know that? Okay, well, you know how when you went to summer camp or to college, these packages would arrive from her, and they’d be full of things like cookies, or books, or photos, or other nifty things that made you feel wonderful and loved and comforted and…

  • November 11 2000: Offseason Conditioning

    Derek Jeter may still be hobnobbing around the Big Apple’s social scene with Miss Universe on his arm, but I’ve decided not to wait to start my offseason conditioning program. I’ve only been at it a week, but I’m feeling pretty good about it. And I didn’t even have to move to Tampa to do…

  • November 8 2000 : The Season In Verse

    I was doing some reading recently about the great baseball writers of the past like Grantland Rice and Ring Lardner, who were known to write epic verse in their coverage of the game from time to time. This inspired me to write a poetic rendition of the New York Yankees 2000 Season, I call: The…